Arvind Engineers

Building heavy duty metal engineering products since 1989

Best example of how a parent company makes a huge learning for 30 years and then it converts it into present day packaging applications for logistics, is true magic. From Automotive components engineering cum manufacturing to Elevators, to Sheet Metal Works, the Arvind Group has laid its deep grounds all these years with a strong delivery promise for the industry. The knowledge and deep learning had been absorbed and percolated with processes and insights to build ‘Metalogi’. 30 years of work is a huge parentage for applicative brands.

Tractors Equipments

Partnered heavy automotive companies to develop and deliver their range of heavy duty quality automotive parts

Crane Equipments

Developed Crane equipments for highly scalable load bearing

Elevators Structures

Assisted Leading Lift manufacturers in giving them an agile structure, both light and strong at the same time on large scale

Automobile Components

Made automotive equipments for OEMs and Auto Brands for masses

Forging Equipments

Used our automotive knowledge base to make sophisticated automotive Gear Parts and Components for Global Brands